How To Start Hiring
Gettsorted is a fast-growing marketplace for professional freelance services. We serve both Buyers and Sellers in Ghana, Africa, and beyond.
Gettsorted connects Sellers & Buyers with a variety of professional services. With dedicated professionals from all walks of life equipped with years of experience, we aim to give each buyer a unique freelancing experience.
Our Buyers, which include businesses and individuals, are assured to get great value for their money.
How it works
Only Registered Users may Buy and Sell services on Gettsorted. Registration is free.
When registering for an account, you are mandated to provide us with accurate, complete, and updated personal information.
Your account must not be used for any fraudulent or misleading purposes.
You are solely responsible for any activity on your account and for maintaining the confidentiality and security of your password. We are not liable for any acts or omissions by you in connection with your account.
Users may not offer or accept payments using any mediums other than the ones provided by
Buying and Selling
Gigs/Services on Gettsorted are usually offered at a starting price of $10. You may also find offers starting at $5, service rates are determined by the Sellers.
Buyers pay Gettsorted in advance to create an order (see Payment Terms).
You can enlist a Seller for your project by hitting the "Buy Now" button found on the Sellers page or through a Custom Offer.
For details on Fees and Payments please read our Payment Terms.
Sellers must ensure to fulfill their orders, and may not cancel orders on a regular basis or without tangible cause. Repeatedly canceling orders will affect your ratings as a Seller and reduce your chances of enlistment.
Gettsorted only releases payment for complete projects.
Privacy & Security
We value your privacy. None of the personal information you share with Gettsorted is shared with any third-party organization.
You can read our Privacy Policy here for the full details. Our Privacy Policy is a part of the company's Terms of Service and is incorporated herein for easy reference.
Users are encouraged to comply with the Gettsorted Community Standards. These are a set of behavior rules and guidelines applicable to all Users of the Gettsorted marketplace. They are in line with our Terms of Service and are updated from time to time.

Almost anyone can find something within their skillset to sell on
Browse our various categories to find your niche, Create a Sellers' Account for free and start earning with your skills!
The Best Sellers don’t leave room for any misunderstandings and manage Buyers' expectations well. Our Best Sellers generally follow the following guidelines:
- Make sure your Seller profile is 100% complete.
- Ensure your Gigs are well written and describe the services you provide in detail.
- Display work samples that accurately represent your skills and expertise on your Seller Profile.
Some Key Terms
Buyers who request your service are made to make payment to Gettsorted in advance.
You will receive payment after you have successfully completed and delivered the project to the Buyer.
Gettsorted is entitled to a commission of 10-15% of your total payment depending on the total amount charged for the project.
Commission Tiers
- $0 - $499
For all services priced between $0 to $499, Gettsorted will deduct a percentage of 8% as commission. The remaining 92% will then be forwarded to your account upon your request.
For instance, if a Seller prices a service at $200, Gettsorted is entitled to $18 as a commission. The remaining amount of $182 is entirely yours.
- $500 and Above
For all services priced $500 and upwards, Gettsorted takes a percentage of 12% as commission. That is to say that out of every transaction that falls within this price range, only 88% of the total amount is paid to the Seller.
For instance, if a Seller prices a service at $1000, Gettsorted is entitled to $150 as a commission. The remaining amount of $850 is entirely yours.
For more information, please see our Terms of Service.
Meeting Client Expectations
Good Ratings
When you constantly meet (and exceed) the expectations of your Clients, you are more likely to receive really great ratings from them.
High ratings will increase your visibility on the site and make you an obvious choice for many other Buyers.
For more information, please see our Terms of Service.

Buyers may not offer direct payments to Sellers using any payment systems outside of the ones authorized on the Gettsorted platform.
Gettsorted retains the right to use all publicly published works for marketing and promotional purposes.
To obtain service on Gettsorted, Buyers must place their service request by chatting with the Seller, and both parties must agree on a custom offer.
Another option for Buyers looking for service on Gettsorted is to Post their Project via the Post Job/Project feature on their Profile Dashboard.
Users should refrain from using the Post a Request feature for any purpose other than looking for services on Gettsorted.
Paying for a Service
When do I Pay for my Service?
Buyers on Gettsorted are required to pay for their services in advance.
However, your payment is not released to the Seller until AFTER you have confirmed that the project has been completed and successfully delivered.
Gettsorted does not charge Buyers for using the platform or requesting for services from Sellers.
Extra Service
Custom Orders
Buyers can also request a Custom Order which addresses specific Buyer requirements and receive a Custom Offer from Sellers by contacting the Seller via message and agreeing on the Custom Offer.
Buyers are not to make payments using any medium other than through the official site. Not complying with this is a violation of our Terms & Conditions, therefore, Gettsorted will not be held accountable for any mishaps this may cause.
If you have been asked to use any alternative payment method, please report immediately to our Customer Support team.

Buying and Selling Services
Once payment from the Buyer is confirmed, the requested Service will be created and given a unique Identification Number.
Sellers must maintain regular contact with their Buyers over the entire duration of the project.
They must also deliver completed files and/or proof of work using the in-built messaging platform on the Gettsorted website.
When Buyers are satisfied with the work done, they can use the Completed option located on the Service Detail page (next to the Message Service of the hired freelancer) to close the deal and authorize the release of payment to the Freelancer.
A Service is marked as Complete after it is marked as Delivered and then accepted by a Buyer.
A Service will be automatically marked as Complete if not accepted and no request for modification was submitted within 3 days after being marked as Delivered.
We encourage our Buyers and Sellers to try to settle minor conflicts and misunderstandings amongst themselves.
If for any reason this fails after using the Resolution Center, or if you encounter non-permitted usage on the site, users can contact the Gettsorted Customer Support department for assistance here.
For more information about disputes, service request cancellations, and refunds please refer to the Payment Terms.